There is a free example template project called TurneBasedStrategy made by the Unreal team that deals with procedural generated room.
They also have live training video on the same project in YouTube.
I hope this helps you.
There is a free example template project called TurneBasedStrategy made by the Unreal team that deals with procedural generated room.
They also have live training video on the same project in YouTube.
I hope this helps you.
i try to generate a procedural map, UE4 - Procedural Level Generation - YouTube following this tutorial
Map is generated properly. Problems start when i try to check if my placed tile is reachable or not. I want to generate dungeon, but i wan tall rooms to be accessible and end goal reachable. so that generated tiles would not obstruct access to end goal.
I though, that after placement of tile i could us “FindPathToLocationSynchroniously” to check if that place is reachable. But, it does not work for generated map. If i use static ground, not generated, it can reach all points, even it i know there is no way to reach it. If i dont use static ground, it fails to reach any point, even i fill the ground only with tiles that can be walked on.
it seems that “FindPathToLocationSynchroniously” does the test prior the tile is placed, on static ground only.
does anyone know how to make it work after tile placement? as delay did not help,
link text
However, in the TurnBasedStrategy project, it does not use the NavMesh. It doesn’t use that system - instead they programmed in the A* algorithm we all know and love from our computer science classes in college and/or high school.
So that will not answer the question of how to use NavMesh with Moveable or dynamic static meshes. It does solve the problem in a completely different way, but I would like to know if Moveable meshes can be NavMeshed onto, myself.
Although you are technically right and this does not solve NavMesh in generated levels I though it would be useful for the OP to see how the generation is made by the UE4 team.
My point being, you should NOT need to check if a point is reachable in your generated level using the NavMesh. You should generate your level so that each room is reachable by definition not randomly generating it and then buteforcing every point of interest. Think of your tiles and rooms as a jigsaw puzzle - the entrances to the rooms are your “tabs” and “blanks” and you should not place a tile that will cover the last remaining entrance.
There are quite a lot of maze generating algorithms that can be applied to level generation and it’s kind of a creative process to write a nice level generator.
As for the movement:
I believe the A* is used to determine your unit’s movement radius in the grid space and generate the waypoints. I’m sure they use MoveTo() however I don’t know if bUsePathfinding set to true.
There is probably a way to generate the NavMesh at after the level generation but I’ll have to check that later.
For the movement: You cold probably use Navigation Invokers depending on the size of your generated level.
…either on the pawns or the tiles themselves.