NavLinkCustomComponent didn't work on level load.

i have tryed to make a derived class from UNavLinkCustomComponent to get an BlueprintSpawnableComponent
that i can use to have a SmartLink on an Actor. I know i can make a NavLinkProxy derived class to get the same Result, but i need to change the SnapRadius of the SmartLink and therefore i have tryed to change the GetLinkModifier() function of the UNavLinkCustomComponent class. With the changes of the GetLinkModifier() funktion i get the expected result. The SnapRadius sets correctly, but the the SmartLink can’t be used for pathfinding after level load. But the SmartLink will work fine if i build navigation (On next level load pathfinding still not working).

I used UnrealEngine version 4.12.5.

SmartLinkComponent.h file:

#pragma once

#include "AI/Navigation/NavLinkCustomComponent.h"
#include "SmartLinkComponent.generated.h"

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FSmartLinkReached, AActor*, MovingActor, const FVector&, DestinationPoint);

UCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class MYPROJECT_API USmartLinkComponent : public UNavLinkCustomComponent

	USmartLinkComponent(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);


	FSmartLinkReached OnSmartLinkReached;

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "SmartLink")
	virtual FNavigationLink GetLinkModifier() const;

	virtual bool OnLinkMoveStarted(UPathFollowingComponent* PathComp, const FVector& DestPoint) override;	

SmartLinkComponent.cpp file:

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "CrazyZombies.h"
#include "Navigation/PathFollowingComponent.h"
#include "SmartLinkComponent.h"

USmartLinkComponent::USmartLinkComponent(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)

FNavigationLink USmartLinkComponent::GetLinkModifier() const
	FNavigationLink LinkMod = Super::GetLinkModifier();
	LinkMod.SnapRadius = 8.0F;
	return LinkMod;

bool USmartLinkComponent::OnLinkMoveStarted(UPathFollowingComponent* PathComp, const FVector& DestPoint)

	bool IsBaseDelegateBound;

	IsBaseDelegateBound = Super::OnLinkMoveStarted(PathComp, DestPoint);

	AActor* PathOwner = PathComp->GetOwner();
	AController* ControllerOwner = Cast<AController>(PathOwner);
	if (ControllerOwner)
		PathOwner = ControllerOwner->GetPawn();

	if (OnSmartLinkReached.IsBound())
		OnSmartLinkReached.Broadcast(PathOwner, DestPoint);
		return true;

	return IsBaseDelegateBound;

Hey does somebody has a solution to the problem? Maybe MieszkoZ?
I really appreciate any help you can provide :slight_smile: