Navlink Component doesn't work on start

Not sure if this is a bug or something is simply missing.

I currently have a scene in blueprint that is spawned. There is a bridge that falls under the navmesh, but the AI needs a navlink to get up the stairs. This is built in blueprint, so I have to use Navlinks and not Navlink Proxy.

It’s configured, and the points are generated for both ends of the bridge. The issue is on game start, the navlinks do not create a link. There is no green arrow between. However if I touch anything near them, which causes the navmesh to rebuild, then they suddenly pop up. This includes moving one of the points even 0.0001 of a distance or moving the bridge itself a slight amount. Moving it before play doesn’t fix this.

Current order of the game is:

Gamdemode spawns tiles (procedural tile generation)
In the tile constructor (BP) the nav link points are set dynamically.
after tile is spawned the gamemode calls and places a navmesh on top of the tile
it then calls to the tile cpp which rebuilds that navmesh.
during tile Begin play many actors are randomly spawned into the scene.
The bridge itself however is already in the scene before starting, so it should be created during construction.

This is what the level looks like on game start


This is what it looks like after adjusting the bridge or navlink no amount of moving the navlink points around before starting seems to help. Keep in mind these are blueprint component nav links, they are not the nav link proxy you can spawn in the world.