Navisworks to Twinmotion with wrong PBR material

I exported a Revit model to Navisworks, then exported it to Twinmotion by using Unreal Datasmith. When I apply the PBR material to the model, the material doesn't appear correctly.

For example, if I apply clean brick 06 to the roof, it will not appear like bricks. I tried to scale, and rotate the texture, but it does not work.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community about your issue. Have you tried to apply a different UV mapping to the material to see if that would fix this issue? Did you try the Max UV precision when importing the model with Twinmotion 2022.2 Preview 1 to see if that helped?

Mapping type quick overview:

If you are still having issues please report a bug so we can best investigate. You can do so by going to the home page and selecting the [ contact us ] button from the home page or by following this link:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Thank you for your suggestions. Your suggestions do help. May I know how Twinmotion maximize the UV precision?