i’m using vr template with u.e.4.17, creating an architecture interior.
The problem is that i can pass through some walls with the navigation, and i can’t find a solution.
The 3d mesh is correct, with right lightmap and right collision.
I’ve tried to put some nav modifier volume to block the navigation, but it seems they’re not working…
Anyone can help?
Thanks a lot!
Do you have screenshot or some code snippets related to the issue? Are you using navigation on the player character or another character?
oh , so by navigation you mean walking on your own using VR ? Usually navigation refers to AI characters moving in a map using path finding
Well, ok, maybe i was wrong explaining my problem (cause i don’t speak english very well). With “navigation” i meant to say that in VR mode i can “walk” through objects.
ah , yes that is natural, in VR you cannot get the force feedback back to you so the default behaviour allows you to walk through walls so that players don’t feel uncomfortable because they move forward in their body but not in what they are seeing on the screen.
but if you still want to have collision then maybe you should use this premade solution VR Expansion Plugin - XR Development - Unreal Engine Forums
you can setup this block on your own , but the thing is there are several other intricate details that need to be taken care of so that collision feels correct and does make you feel sick due to difference in real world and game world collision.
Then there’s also problem of replication that the plugin handles for you. if you make collision yourself you’ll be spending a lot of time to get it to work correctly.
So if you are making a small test project I’ll advise you to just go with the plugin
Thanks for the quick answer! I’m taking a look at the link you provided, seems to be interesting!
I would like to know, if you were aware of it, if i can setup this “block” directly in the unreal editor instead of using an exterior plugin.
Ooh, well, i’m not sure to have explained my problem well and I apologize.
The problem is that, standing in the middle of the room, i can teleport in the other next room by passing through the wall.
This happens simply by pointing the controller cursor towards the direction of the second room.
I would like the walls to be real “blocks” that do not allow me to teleport through.
Try to visualize your Navigation area, using P to make it appear as a green layer as you can see on this image.
Then adjust the collisions on your mesh, cause they are used to calculate this green area. If you still have green zones where you don’t want them, put some Nav modifiers volumes (I suppose you did) on those areas.
In your case I supposed you are going to see that your green areas go beyond your walls (that’s why you can teleport there).
After all that if the zone where you don’t want to be able to teleport to is still green, then try delete the Nav volume and the RecastNav that goes with it, and throw a new Nav Volume and ajust it accordingly to your scene. I’ve noticed that sometimes the recalculation of the Nav area from the VR Template doesn’t go well, when you mess with it. So putting a fresh new one as described, usually did the trick for me.
Hi, and thanks for the answer!
I’ve already tried to setup the recastnav mesh (after pressing P on the keyboard to make it visible), and the green areas between the walls i can teleport through are interrupted between those walls.
I have also tried to recreate the navmodifier volume but the issue persist.
Even after putting in the scene the nav modifier volumes to block the teleport the problem remains.
I have noticed that the if the nav modifier volumes is as wide as the wall there’s this problem, but if i enlarge it, it actually blocks my teleporting.
But it’s not actually a good solution, because it blocks too much areas in my navigation.
Any other thips?
Thanks again!
Hmm, I think I now understand what you want to do , you can point in any direction but instead of getting there in a straight line, you want to follow a path around the obstacles, did I get it right?
Mmh, probably i probably did not explain myself right.
Yes, i can point in any direction with the controller, and directly teleport in the direction i pointed.
To move from a room to another room i have a movable door, that allows me to pass.
The problem is that if I point my teleporter direction on some walls, these walls seems have not affect in the scene because the “arrow pointer” on the floor cross the wall and allows me to go from one room to another through the wall.
In real world this can’t happen, and in the VR world i want that walls block my navigation.
I tried to put some navmodifiervolumes with “block all” but they don’t work…
Got it, you don’t to be able to teleport through walls but only from open pathes. And if there’s a wall you expect to have a blockage, like if in the other side of the wall there were no navigation area.
like this
Even if i can point through the wall, the arrow will never get beyond it. In my example it’s because I have a nav modifier just behind that wall and it cancels a little bit of nav area that i ll get from the collison of the floor.
Your case is different because you want to be able to navigate on the other side of the wall, but not be able to teleport when it’s blocking your way.
So, i think the only way to get what you want, is to twist the BP_motioncontroller (where your TeleportArc function is handled). You’ll have to find the way to identify your walls so when the LineTrace hits them, do not consider the destination as a valid teleport destination.
Setting this local variable from 500 to 20 helped me solve this issue.
Now it doesn’t draw the teleport arc unless there is a valid location.
Did you ever find a solution for this? I am also having the same issue.