Navigation mesh when an obstacle dissapear

I’ve just started to learn Unreal Engine 4.26.2. To do it I’m developing an Arkanoid clone game. Now I’m implementing the monster that appears at the top of the screen but I don’t know how to move it.

Reading (a lot), I have found that I have to use a Nav Mesh Bound Volume. This volume takes up all the game area, including the bricks. These bricks are defined as NavArea_Obstacle in Area Class. I think I’m doing it correctly.

But, what happen when I brick disappear because the player has hit it with the ball? Do I need to use a Dynamic nav mesh?

Yes. Unless you implement custom logic with raytraces, you will need a dynamic Nav Mesh.

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Thanks for your answer.

Where can I find more information about how to use a Dynamic Nav Mesh? Yes, I’ve been searching but I haven’t found anything.

Just enable it in Project Settings/Navigation Mesh/Runtime Generation. You can tweak the generation settings later inside your RecastNavMesh actor.

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Using the Dynamic Nav Modifiers Only setting may be an option as well.
After that, you can use a NavModifierComponent to trigger navigation mesh updates in certain places.