Navigation jumps from vertical box to next vertical box

I have a problem where one of my menus doesn’t navigate as I’d expect it to. What I have are 2 custom widgets inside of a scroll box. These widgets are my Key mapping list containers, they have a header and another vertical box with where I populate the key mapping widgets to. When trying to navigate this menu with the arrows or a gamepad, it focuses the first item in the first list container, but if I click down, it skips everything and moves to the first item in the 2nd container. Then in the 2nd container everything else navigates as expected. If I go up from the 2nd container, it jumps all the way to the first item in the first container again.

I can’t figure out why this happens. I’ve made sure that the only things marked as focusable in these widgets are the primary key select, secondary key select, and the reset button. I’m currently adding the list containers at runtime, but have tried it with them placed in there via the editor and still the same issue.

Here’s some images of my widget layouts. In the last one I highlighted the items that interact with navigation.

This is likely a bug in scroll box. Try to wrap those vertical boxes into another vertical box so scroll box has single child.

this was exactly it. Thank you

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