Navigating a 3D widget with a controller?

With 3D widgets being experimental I’m just wondering if there’s a way I can make this happen?

Essentially I have a shop in 3D space, and when I walk up to it and press a button I want to be able to use the shop with my controller, the only reason it’s a 3D widget is because this project is intended to have oculus rift support, otherwise I’d just make it a normal UMG widget…

Thank you in advance!

Bump, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get this to work, for example like trying to control the mouse with the gamepad joystick, but I’m still coming up with nothing, any help would be largely appreciated!

Here is a question that looks quite similar to yours: Does this help your? If not please describe your the interaction you achive with what kind in of controller and I might have some ideas for you.

I am also trying to figure out how to do this. It seems like nobody knows. My menu operates when its added to viewport, but not when its a 3d widget.

Hi there,
as described there : Widget Menu Navigation with Controller - UI - Unreal Engine Forums, there is a solution to your problem with WidgetInteraction component. See other post for more details.

Thing is, even using a widgetinteraction component, it doesn’t quite work. I can use my controller with a regular widget, but not when the widget is used on a 3d widget actor; even when remapping the player controller inputs through the widgetinteraction.

That’s weird. Did you try differents settings like Trace Channel and Interaction Source in the widget interaction ? Is your 3dwidget’s collisions enabled ? Also The widget interaction component has to be oriented correctly (when adding a component, it’s linked to the last component selected and it’s orientation and scale are linked too). That’s a simplified way to linetrace to the widget. Try setting “Interaction Source” to “center screen” : this should enable interaction when the widget is centered on your screen, dependently from your controller. There we could know if the problem comes from the widget or the controller.

To show 3D UI,you will need WidgetComponent.
to interact with 3D UI,you need WidgetInteractionComponent.
make sure WidgetInteractionComponent can trace your WidgetComponent,and setFocus
