I been reading some post about nav mesh not generating geometry in tight areas, it seems that there may be a limit because no matter what i cant get a super tight nav mesh, been playing all day with it, agent radius, cell size, and all options there, it generates a lot of triangles but doesnt help with precision at all. im going with really small objects , around 10 uu, but either way collision on big objects or small objects, limit for drawing is the same, just cant get the nav mesh to be tight enough, I may try increasing scale, but the precision of nav mesh is really important to me in this project, plx halp
should I fake a smaller collision and a bigger fake mesh? maybe a solution but seems cheap.
I may go bigger 2 D:
Image settings are random, agent radius big or small, 1 or 1000, no matter , no changes at all
custom Agents were also added with no results either