Nav link bug - not nav link proxy


I think this is bug. When placing Nav Link (not Nav Link Proxy) inside blueprint, under parent (main) mesh - for example floor or room, changing nav link origin not working. No matter where Nav Link is moved from blueprint parent mesh origin, it working always with parent origin only. This making design much harder.

Hey Vaheva,

Could you provide a screenshot of your blueprint so I can see what you’re referring to, exactly? It would help to have an example that I can look at for reference.


After speaking with our developers, the Nav Link component’s transform is currently ignored. As a result, I’ve entered a bug report, which you can track using the link below:

Thanks for your report.

Have a great day

Hello @Sean Flint. Sure, here screens:

This is NavLink location (selected). I think, any settings should refer to this location.


Like a settings for offset - I need x 100 and y 100, and now I have to translate it depending on bp pivot center


Final result is like this:


This is correct, but it need NavLink X and Y translation from parent mesh/bp pivot

Bp pivot is here (selected):

Without NavLink translation, what need more work and is error forming way, navigation will be broken.

Thank you.

Thank you, I posted screens when you answered this, solved! :slight_smile:

Still not work in blueprint

omg, sorry, u just need to click on NavLink component after placing your actor on scene%)