I had a small demo of my game working. I’ve given it out to several people and everything worked fine. But lately, the enemies don’t want to move. I debugged it and there are no nav agents in the lookup table that goes from config to nav agent. Supported agents has all 3 nav agents. But the AgentToNavDataMap list is empty in UNavigationSystemV1.
UNavigationSystemV1* NavSys = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent<UNavigationSystemV1>(GetWorld());
FNavDataConfig config = NavSys->GetSupportedAgents()[0];
const ANavigationData* NavData = NavSys->GetNavDataForProps(config, this->PathActorInfo->EntranceLocations[EntranceId]);
NavData is always null.
Only thing I can think of is that I think I updated the source for the 5.3 branch recently.
Do I have to manually register each nav agent? Where would I do this? Did this behaviour change?