Nativized development build crash on Load

Hi all,

I have managed to get a clean project to package both in its blueprint form and in a Nativized version. No errors on log.
The blueprint build works fine. The nativized however crashes on loading with the below message:

Fatal error:

[File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.19+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line:1375]
Async Loading event Graph contained a cycle, see above.

This is an extremely simple level with nothing to stream. The only things that I can see through comments that could relate is the fact that I have used APEX destruction on some assets, and these assets come from Infinity Grassland.
Now I have not had a single error whether in editor or on the Blueprint build.
Does anyone has an idea of what could be generating that Asyn Loading cycle?


Im getting the same issue

Ive prepped a cleaned up version of the project and submitted a bug as Case # 00003058: Crash on Load with Nativized build. Juts looking through some of the bug logs related to nativized builds, there are few already. I dont know when we will get someone to look at it.
Try adding in your list of nativized blueprints (if Exclusive) a few more BP that you know are linked, parent/child of some of the BP already in your list.
It has not worked for me but it might work for you?