Hello again,
I can now provide a reproduction list with 4.16 preview 2 as I got the same error as in 4.15.
Note - Did no other changes to any default values other than mentioned below.
Using CodeWorks 1R5
STEP 1 Created a blank project (No starter content, Mobile/Tablet , Scalable 3D/2D).
Created a new level → Default → Saved it as “NewMap”
Set the NewMap as default Maps under Mapes & Modes.
STEP 2 Changed the project settings → Packaging → Blueprints → Blueprint nativization method to “Inclusive”.
STEP 3 Went under Platforms → Android → Configured Platform files and Checked “package game data inside apk”.
STEP 4 Packaged the project with Android ETC1.
Result - The packaging was successful, installed on the device, ran the application, splash screen showed for a negligible moment and application crashed without any error message.
STEP 5 Deleted the build, intermediate and saved folders.
STEP 6 Changed the project settings → Packaging → Blueprints → Blueprint
nativization method to “Disabled”.
STEP 7 Went under Platforms → Android → Configured Platform files.
STEP 8 Packaged the project with Android ETC1.
Result - The packaging was successful, installed on the device, ran the application, splash screen showed for a negligable moment and application crashed without any error message.
Using CodeWorks 1R4u2
Repeated steps 5-8
Result - The packaging was successful, installed on the device, ran the application, worked as expected.
Deleted the build, intermediate and saved folders.
Repeated steps 2-4
Result - The packaging was successful, installed on the device, ran the application, worked as expected.
Thank you again for your help.