Guys please
when I use Exclusive nativization in 4.19 and package and then stat the game, it crashes and I get this kind of error on multiple classes
-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch 6 Export_StartIO /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/BP_Deathmatch_C/ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Deathmatch/
[2018.04.29-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch 6 Export_Serialize /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/BP_Deathmatch_C/ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Deathmatch/
[2018.04.29-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch 2 Export_StartIO /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/BP_Deathmatch_C/
[2018.04.29-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch 2 Export_Serialize /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/BP_Deathmatch_C/
[2018.04.29-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch 3 Export_Create /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/DefaultBP_Deathmatch_C/
[2018.04.29-16.55.41:991][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Cycle Node /Game/FMapInfo -5 Import_Create /Game/GameModes/BP_Deathmatch/DefaultBP_Deathmatch_C/
Cycle Node
But what does it mean?
When I use Inclusive nativization, it works but it only nativizes Parent classes
child classes of created Parent classes do not get nativized
But when I use exclusive nativization I get these errors even on the classes that get nativized using Inclusive method