Now select another actor, and then re-select the one with the custom components.
Both are now shown as children of the second component. Img
I was digging around in the source code, and it seems to be caused by this code doing a component lookup by name ( BoxCollider being the same on both children ) in SSCSEditor.ccp ( line 958 ):
UActorComponent* FSCSEditorTreeNodeInstanceAddedComponent::GetComponentTemplate() const
if (InstancedComponentOwnerPtr.IsValid())
TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;
for (auto It = Components.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
UActorComponent* ComponentInstance = *It;
if (ComponentInstance->GetFName() == InstancedComponentName)
return ComponentInstance;
return nullptr;
In conjunction with this code in SSCSEditor.cpp ( line 524 ) moving the node to a new parent based on that name look up:
else if (IsInstanced())
USceneComponent* ChildInstance = Cast<USceneComponent>(InChildNodePtr->GetComponentTemplate());
if (ensure(ChildInstance != nullptr))
USceneComponent* ParentInstance = Cast<USceneComponent>(GetComponentTemplate());
if (ensure(ParentInstance != nullptr))
// Handle attachment at the instance level
if (ChildInstance->AttachParent != ParentInstance)
AActor* Owner = ParentInstance->GetOwner();
if (Owner->GetRootComponent() == ChildInstance)
ChildInstance->AttachTo(ParentInstance, NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);
After reproducing your issue, it looks like the reason the Box Colliders are being parented to the latest added Scene Component is because OnRegistered is being called again, which is causing them to be added to the latest component.
Instead of adding that Box Collider OnRegister, try adding this code to your constructor and removing the Box(nullptr) line:
I have made this change and am still seeing the error. Just to be sure the version of UE I’m using is: 4.10.1-2791327+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10
In my actual project I’ve made it so that the name for the child component is generated using the parent component’s name. This ensures that the name is unique, and causes this bug not to occur.
Just to clarify, could you provide the code that you used after making the changes I suggested? I’d like to see exactly how you set it up so I can make sure it is the same as the code I used when I wasn’t seeing the error. Thank you.
In this setup, what I am seeing is that Box Component won’t be saved based on the Transient keyword. Could you explain the reasoning behind your use of that keyword?
From what I understood of the documentation this is used for when you want to expose a reference that will be filled by an external source. Since I’m creating the object in the constructor at run-time in native code I assumed I don’t need the object stored on the disk because it’s being built in there.
However, I have tried it without the Transient keyword, and this error still occurs.
The only thing different that I’ve noticed in your code was the override of the OnComponentDestroyed function. Try removing this and seeing if you can get the same results as me.
This bug doesn’t show up in the Blueprint editor, as far as I can see. It’s hard to tell though, because it hides the children that are created in native code.
If you follow the directions you’ve given me, and then drag an instance of that blueprint into the scene. Deselect that instance, and re-select it you will also see that the two child boxes are both attached to one instance.
Okay, I was under the impression that you were seeing this issue in the Blueprint Editor. Thank you for the clarification.
I added an instance of my blueprint to the level, deselected it and then reselected it, and my details panel looked like this:
What results are you seeing when you follow the same process? Would you mind attempting a quick repro in a clean project and seeing if you get the same results? Thank you
I’ve made an entirely clean project now and sill see this happening.
When I first add the actor I see this.
Then upon re-selecting I see it like this.
I notice in your image the child components are called Box, and Box1. As I mentioned in the original post, this only occurs when both of the child components have the same name. In mine they are both called BoxCollision, with no number incrementing.