Nasty edges during cloth simulation

Hello guys,

Does anyone know why these hard edges/artifacts appear when simulating cloth physics?

When I increase subdivision count in ChaosClothConfiguration, the result is a little better, but the simulation stops being accurate and flies all over the place. So I tend to keep subdivision count at 1. I don’t know how to counter this

This is the original asset (from Daz3d)

I imported it to UE through Character Creator 4, this is what it looks inside it

And this is the cloth paint

Any input will help me massively, I have no idea where to look

Bumping this, please guys even the slightest input will help, because I am changing settings all day and nothing changes

I would try painting less of the cloth. Mainly just the edges.

And go into ChaosClothConfig on the left and start testing settings to make it a lot more stiff, such as maybe:
Density (has an interesting tooltip)
Gravity Scale

Right now it looks completely floppy, so it’s going to lose all of it’s shape and fold in on itself. For that dress I’m thinking you’ll want a LOT less simulation than you think.

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Thank you, this helped!

I painted with a value of 25, a lot less of the cloth as you suggested. Now I am tweaking the settings, but it’s already looking much better!

I believe the issue was due to self penetration of the cloth mesh.

Because the creases are so close to each other, every area where the cloth paint exceeds the distance between the 2 creeses is prone to confuse the simulation - even with self collision enabled.

Instead of loosing your mind withe painting cloth in the engine…

First, well, you should pull the nvidial tools source and build the nvcloth tool from source to paint the apex cloth as it was originally intended to be painted.
Now, the whole process is painful, the software is decades old, and the source for it is gated by being approved as an nvidia dev, so it isnt for everyone.

Those who cannot/wont/dont want to can levarage Vector paint.
More specifically, use my blender plugin to visualize your cloth.

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