Nanite Tools missing from Menu

Hi, hopefully someone can help here. I’m trying to use nanite tools to identify any meshes I can convert to nanite, but the option ‘Tools → Nanite tools’ as listed in the documentation is not present. I can enable nanite as expected, it is just the tools which are missing. Any advice? (I’m using version 5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3)


Same problem here with UE 5.3!

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Was looking for this as well… I just filtered all static meshes in content folder, right click, and enabled nanite manually. It was smart enough to detect which ones were using translucent materials, so no issues.

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Running into the same issue, anyone find a fix yet… Impossible to find a triangle threshold for nanite all the documentation shows using this tool that does not exist in my 5.3 version.

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Same issue.

Confirmed deprecation from the commit log for anyone wondering what the reason Nanite Tools widget is gone.


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