Nanite tessellation for extremely detailed characters via displacement maps

Kind of an elephant in the room, I’m surprised nobody’s just outright asked yet:

Does UE 5.4 Nanite tessellation via displacement material in the compute shader suddenly mean that animated characters can technically be tessellated at runtime via displacement map?
Ideal use cases for nanite tessellated characters would be large creatures, t-rex, dragon, godzilla, you get the point.

Surely UE is finally at the point where it can hold cinematic film level skin detail at interactive frame rates as Nanite did for ((static)) mesh set dressing when 5.0 dropped?

From my experience using the preview of Nanite Displacement in 5.3: Only nanite meshes can use Nanite Displacement.

Animated assets typically skeletons, can’t be nanite, which in turn means they can’t use Nanite Displacement. If you decide to animate assets through shader WPO, you should be able to use the nanite displacement feature.

Also, the result of Nanite Displacement in motion isn’t very good as far as I remember.