Nanite problem

Hello, i have a problem with nanite meshes downloaded from Bridge.

(Currently using this older version of UE5, windows 11)

Nanite on / off. Anyone know what the problem is here?

Hey @Karpae!

It looks like this may be an issues with the nanite shadows. Check out this non-Epic affiliated video for a possible fix:

I hope the above is the solution you need!


I had this issue time ago and this video helped me.

The 80% of my issues with Nanites was just inserting this in Console Commands: r.Raytracing.Shadows.EnableTwoSidedGeometry 0

10% is that Nanite doesn’t like 2 sided Materials, and the other 10% That materials with opacity maps gives me the wrong shadows.


Looks like this was the issue. Tywm!