Nanite makes normal mapped material have some hard edge triangles in material only when normal map is applied

Nanite makes normal mapped material have some hard edge triangles in material only when normal map is applied. Disabling nanite fixes it. I want to use nanite. The objects are small door knobs. How can i fix this?

Also if i use a material with no normal map it looks fine with both nanite and without nanite… What is happening? Again the normal map looks fine with non nanite… my issue is nanite with the normal map… its as though the normals change slightly when u apply nanite.

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ive been reading and it looks like something about tangent space not being in the nanite models or something… not sure of a way to work around this.

Noticed same problem, my guess is nanite split edges differently (ignores imported normals) and if mesh has baked normals in texture it will break lighting. For example mid poly model (curved) with baked normals to get smooth shading, like your example. Dunno what to do about this ( remodel or disable nanite on this mesh ) or wait for ue 5.1

What are you using for normals, OpenGL or DirectX, try flipping Green channel.
Can you provide wireframe mode of mesh too?

tried all that… Keep in mind… the normal map looks just fine with nanite disabled… same mesh… same normal map.

Does anyone know if there is a specific way to do the uvs or geometry to not get these artifacts with the implicitly generated tangents?

I have the same issue with importing in 5.1 from Solidworks Datasmith
with Nanite and any normal map, I have the same issue

without nanite

someone found a workaround ?
thank’s for your help.

Anybody end up finding any workarounds? Same issue here, but have foliage mesh with normals pointed straight up.

they fixed this in unreal engine 5.3… you have to enable to bring in the tangents on import in the models settings in unreal and hit apply…

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