Nanite Landscape is Broken on 5.3? Cannot Save Project with Nanite on Landscape.

Hi, when I convert even as little as only 5 proxies to nanite and then proceed to save the project, UE invariably eats up about 32gigs available RAM and just shuts down. Without a crash report. I am working on an 8k Landscape, my RAM is 64 GB. Another user mentioned all of his 192GB RAM being gobbled up, so I’m guessing it isn’t a matter of having low memory. Does anyone know if this will be fixed in hotfix or something?


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This wasn’t as big of an issue during pre-release. Now I’m having the same issue. It’s impossible to save even one landscape tile when enabling Nanite. This is ridiculous.

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I found a fix, however it’s still a lot of trial and error.

I exported the heightmap of my landscape to a file.

Then proceeded to create a landscape from scratch in 5.3. Importing the heightmap right away did not work. The heightmap had a lot missing and UE just made 90 degree slopes to compensate.

So I made a flat one, then imported the heightmap. On convering the landscape to nanite after, UE stayed on a stable 70 percent RAM usage. Converting the whole thing. However, I don’t know if it’s just placebo, but in my experience of using nanite, it seems it’s probably best to make ALL landscape edits before converting it to nanite. Editing after nanite freezes things like hell, and I’m not brave enough to try rebuilding nanite again. lol

Same problem right here. Haven’t found a fix yet.

This is how you Generate Nanite LDS & Save.

I just updated to 5.3 from 5.2 and there seems to be a bug where, when saving, it wants to generate Nanite for the entire Landscape prior to any saving, even if you only try to save a single Proxy at a time.

So to correct for this, we want to load in only small sections of the LDS at a time.

To do this:

1.) Turn Off Nanite for your Landscape & Save
2.) Select All Proxies and turn ON “Is Spatially Loaded” & Save
3.) Unload your entire level - in the World Partition Editor, highlight everything & Unload. (Window–> World Partition → World Partition Editor)
4.) RELOAD the level - Go to your level in the Content browser and double-click to reload

Upon reloading, none of your LDS should be visible.

5.) Select your Landscape Actor and Turn ON Nanite - Optionally turn on Nanite Skirt, which helps hide seams.
6.) Go back into the World Partition Editor, select a small region and load it.
7.) Select your Landscape Proxies and “Build Data”
8.) After Nanite Builds, Save All

Repeat 6-8 until entire LDS is Nanite & Saved

Afterwards, select all proxies and turn off “Is Spatially Loaded”

Good luck!


Same issue on 5.3.1 without world partition. Turning on nanite and saving results in a crash, even before the building of data.

Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h] [Line: 671]



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I had two tests level (no world partition), one converted landscape to nanite, second one was stuck forever. I guess fingers crossed for 5.4?

This Works! Thank you! I really needed this. It fixed my random crash when playing in PIE.

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It does work, you just need around 200 gb of “ram” for a 8k map, and with ram i don’t mean you actually need to have it as real ram, a big enough pagefile also works (google how to increase your windows pagefile size), it took me around 90 minutes, where my computer is totally unresponsive for the first 30 minutes, cause it is filling up the ram/pagefile, in the next 30 minutes the progress bar start to move slowly and you can use your computer a bit, this is where it takes the info it stored in the ram/pagefile and use it, then you also have to save the project to disk and that is another 30 minutes… Don’t know why they made that way, it’s very stupid to not take it in chunks and try to store it all in memory at once, but if you have the harddrive space (don’t have to be your default drive or a fast one) and the patience, it can be done… Just increase your pagefile (and if use a pagefile on another drive than the default one, set the one on the default one to a fixed size also, cause it uses that one first and if your system disk is small, it is going to fill it completely, and that will also make your system less responsive), go do something else while it works and only build nanite when your are done with your landscape :smiley: Ohh and also, it does not clear up your memory and pagefile properly after it is done, so you also have to restart the computer after to get it fully back

Works great on my 8x8 landscape, thanks!

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