Hello all,
I am working on a design that has lots of blueprint of spheres, looking like this:
it’s a 25x25 grid X 4 walls, so overall lots of blueprints of this sphere, however each sphere is very low poly and has nanite enabled (also LODs),
I also disabled casting shadows on the spheres to avoid calculations.
I need the spheres to be Blueprints as I am calculating a UV position for each sphere, in order to project a texture of the sphere wall as such:
I also can light them on/off one by one in various patterns, thanks to each sphere being its own blueprint.
I’m getting 90FPS with this so far, which is ok.
However, when I simply add an event that adds rotation to this whole thing, I’m seeing 4fps instead.
What would cause that?
And also, is there a more efficient way of doing what I’m trying to do?
Thanks a lot
You’re trying to rotate the cube?
Then you will get no frames
Even if the spheres are attached to the cube and you rotate it.
Can you just move the camera around instead?
Yeah I’m adding rotation to the null object which is connected to all the elements,
funny thing it never caused any issues in the past with lower amount of objects, is that a limitation of UE?
Will switch to camera rotation instead
Thanks a lot
My only issue with rotation the camera vs. the object, is one result I’m looking for,
which is the cube angled as such:
while it spins on its own axis.
Originally, the camera would look from above, while the cube spins, it looks correct.
Now, if the camera spins & I switch to tilting the cube forward for a similar effect, the rotation looks bizzare
It just means you’re doing the cam rotation wrong, I think
You can always attach the camera to something and rotate that, to get it looking ok?
I misexplained,
Basically I’m trying to create this effect:
This is easy to do if I can rotate the object on its own axis,
then the camera is looking from above.
However if I have to spin the camera around, then I tilt the object (reverse roles)
I get this:
Yes, you are rotating the camera incorrectly
Put a sphere at the base of the cube, attach the camera to the sphere, and rotate the sphere, no?
Yes this is what I’m doing, having a null object connected to the camera and I’m adding rotation to it for the spin:
Then for the tilt, I have this BP:
It should work but in fact what happens is that it changes also the X rotation of the null object so the rotation is off
Wait! I figured it out,
changed the spin BP to this:
Seems like now it sticks to the Z and doesn’t mess up the X/Y
Thanks a lot
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August 9, 2023, 10:11am
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