Hi everyone!
I’m working on a pipeline for our studio and I decided to follow (with just minor tweaks) to the UE4 naming conventions for folders and assets.
So every static mesh asset will have its good old “SM_” before the base name… for example.
But what about the source fbx file?
I see two alternatives:
1- name the FBX with the proper UE4 prefix (so SM_ or SK_ or A_)
2- do not use prefixes for the source FBX, leave it clean ad add it only inside the editor to the corresponding uasset file.
The first solution allow a direct connection between files but, in a way, it “corrupts” the files outside the content folder with prefixes (and suffixes) that are specific for UE4 and it could make a little more difficult to navigate between files.
Moreover it makes weird the relatinship between (for example) the 3dsmax scene file and the exported fbx (should I call my .max file SM_something?)
The second solution keeps source files cleaner in my opinion and makes a blink to match 3dsmax or photoshop or whatever file with the ready-to-import one.
But of course it creates a disconnection with the uasset.
I know that this is probably a small detail but I’m trying to ask every question on this topic and I’m stuck on this one
(well…and on having a project root folder right under Content,marketplace style, or not… but this is another story!)
What do you think about it?