Nameplate "always hide" not working after update?

I had it set to always hide for both the island settings and the team settings device. It was working before the update for everyone, including my team, which is what I wanted. After the update, all my team’s guards had a “guard” nameplate, and I changed nothing. I figured maybe it was the update?

I wanted to add a couple thoughts to this… first, I’m not even sure if completely eliminating the nameplates from your own team, including guards is an intended function… I had tried to make it work for a while and gave up, then randomly when messing with the team device, it worked, shortly after the update which shifted the game from the wasteland characters to the super hero characters… I’m new to all this and am still learning the limits. If I’m looking for a functionality that isn’t supposed to be there, please feel free to let know.
Also, in the team device, when you set the “focus time” option, it labels the time as degrees instead of seconds. When adjusted in the island settings, it’s labeled as seconds. Probably not related and maybe just a typo, but figured I’d throw it out there.