Hey all. So I’ve been building a little game here and ran into a weird issue. I have a bunch of targets on the map, and when the game starts I spawn objects on said targets. These objects are supposed to be towns. I want teach town to have a name assigned to it at random, without repeating. This part appears to be working fine. When I launch the game, I debug the towns and each has it’s own unique name in the Name variable, which is of the text type. However, when I try to print each town’s name, along with other debug data, it returns the name as “None”. The text is converted into a string, which is then appended to other data, then passed to the Print String node. Everything else appears to work, but the ■■■■ Town Name variable. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
I’ve tried using other types, like Name and String, but had no luck so far. It always shows as None.