This is a bugreport, I hope it is correct to post it here:
Renaming input variables in blueprint interfaces does not work correctly in UE 4.12.5. After renaming, I cannot use the original name any more.
Steps to reproduce:
- create an empty blueprint project
- create a new blueprint interface
- set the name of the interface function
- add one input parameter “Owner” of type Actor reference
- create a new blueprint based on Actor class
- add the blueprint interface that was just created (in class settings)
- compile
- insert an event for the blueprint interface function to event graph, this event has a parameter called “Owner”
- rename “Owner” in the blueprint interface to “Parent”
- try to create a variable named “Owner” in the blueprint which implements the interface
The name “Owner” cannot be used any more. I tried to recompile everything, build, restart UE, but still I cannot use the name “Owner”. I keep getting the message that “Owner is used by another variable or function”.
This seems to be a bug. Is there a known workaround?