Mythrealm - A New Fantasy Action RPG

Mythrealm is a Single Player Fantasy RPG where you play as the heroic adventurer Aelaris. (That’s Aelaris in the title image) Mythrealm is a 3rd person RPG that focuses on real time action combat and adventure - platforming, climbing, and exploring.

Mythrealm is currently in development with Unreal Engine 4, and will be coming to Steam in Q2 2022. If you’d like to find out more about the game:

Checkout the Game’s Website:
Wishlist the game on Steam: Mythrealm on Steam
Follow Mythrealm on Social Media. @TheMythRealm

You can see an Introductory Video, talking about the game, here: Introduction to Mythrealm - Development Work In Progress. - YouTube

Here are some Screenshots from the game:

We hope you like Mythrealm and are as excited about as we are! We’ll be posting more Screenshots and Media from the game soon! Stay Tuned! :slight_smile: