My Weapon Bobbing Animation is not playing

Hi All, I need some help.

I’ve been following this tutorial series
(Part 2 - Weapons | Retro FPS in Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube)

and in they got to making an animation for the gun bobbing up and down, I followed the tutorial step by step, but when I hit the play button and pick up the gun and walk around, the animation doesn’t play at all, it’s just still.

Below is the blueprints for my animation firing and the video contains their animation firing blueprint. Any help would be appreciated.

have you found the fix yet? I’m facing the same problem here

There are multiple solutions you can try, first of all check if the weapons is set ‘‘Movable’’ you can find this within your blueprint under Transform → Mobility.

you could also check if the code for playing the animation (mentioned in your screenshot) is being called, you could do this by applying a breakpoint (F9) to that node and setting your ‘‘No debug object selected’’ to the right opject (top-right corner) from there run the game and see what happens, and work from there

I can’t change the ‘‘No debug object selected". Is it bcs the code is not being called or something? Also yes the flipbook has been set to moveable

I am sorry, you can only set the ‘‘No debug object selected" when the game is running, from there you can follow the lines on witch code is being excecuted. Can you add a video of what the code is doing? from both BP_PlayerWeapon_Base & BP_FPS player

ok so the code runs but the anim just doesn’t work still

this one runs too

the other side of weapon base

  • Was it just bad timing for the screenshot or is it both running the ‘‘Play’’ and ‘‘Stop’’ nodes at the same time.
  • If you go to 28:10 of the video something important has been mentioned that might also be the case.
  • also have you set-up this code? i don’t see it in your screenshots
  1. it doesn’t play at the same time
  2. I am aware this is experimental
  3. yep

So is there any fix? If not, is there any alternative to add bobbing on my weapon?