I don’t see you writing the save game at any point.
You need SaveGameToSlot also…
EDIT ( oops, wrong pic ):
I don’t see you writing the save game at any point.
You need SaveGameToSlot also…
EDIT ( oops, wrong pic ):
Here is the problem: I have a widget blueprint called “NouvellePartieConfirmer” (NewGameConfirm in English). It’s a widget that asks the player if he wants to restart the game, and then resets the progress. Therefore, the variable “LevelsCompleted” which is in my BP_SaveGame must be set to 0, just before the new game starts. But if the player returns to the menu, his progress displayed (in another widget called “NiveauContinuer”, Level Continue in English) will be the DEFAULT value of “LevelsCompleted” (the one you set manually in the Editor): the “NiveauContinuer” Widget can’t therefore read the new value of “LevelsCompleted” from SaveGame which is 0, or the new value never was written. In fact, I use "NiveauContinuer"to display as the player progresses, his progress and the levels already achieved. I don’t understand why my variable "LevelsCompleted"can’t be modified or read… Help would be greatly appreciated, as I have to finalize my game this week! Here are screenshots I took.
Yeah ! Figured it out right after I submitted this post