So as you may know already from the title i am new to the unreal engine. I think it is a great engine and i really had fun with it. I begun learning about unreal a week and a half ago? - about two weeks ago. To make my learning more motivating and satisfying i made a document with a todo list for a day. In that todo list i wrote down points i wanted to accomplish for the day. I thought it may be fun for some of you to read through it so i am going to try to post it in this topic. Have fun reading through the list. And if you have any thoughts you want to share with me, maybe some ideas how i can improve my knowledge about the different features i would highly appreciate it. And btw sorry for my bad english
Tuesday 09.02.2016:
Started: 16.40
Pauses: 3
Learning the basics of UE4 editor:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “Intro to the UE4 Editor” at the ue4 learning resources site @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-09 16:47)
Do the same things as shown in the videos/ follow the instructor across the videos. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-09 18:47)
@critical Finish watching the series @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-09 18:47)
Play around the editor for about 15 minutes/ Explore all the options available in different tabs etc. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-09 19:05)
See and read all the descriptions that describe options, sliders, check-boxes, windows etc. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-09 19:05)
Stopped :19.05
Time used : 2h 25min
Description of the day:
Today i walked through a simple introduction around the unreal engine. Got to know what different windows do, how i can navigate around, place objects, how the content browser works, got a look at different options, how to manipulate objects. Videos were simple to follow and i got a feeling that i understood everything from those videos.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Wednesday 10.02.2016:
Started: 17.35
Pauses: 3
Introduction to Blueprints:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “Introduction to Blueprints (v4.8)” at the ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-10 17:36)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-10 20:43)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-10 20:43)
Play around with the blueprints @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-10 20:52)
Come up with a simple project to train a little. Try to not do anything like in the videos that you saw before. Rather come up with something yourself. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-10 20:52)
Stopped : 20.52
Time used :3h 17min
Description of the day:
Today i got through all the videos in the series. I did everything the same as the instructor and made sure i understood what he was talking about. When i comes down to the project, i wanted to make a speed buster where the player picks up a cube or touches it and their speed increase. I did not manage to make that happen. I think i had to inherit the player blueprint or something, I’m not really sure. Because of those videos i feel that i got a good look on how the blueprints work and how i can use them. I got to know of two different types of blueprints, level blueprint and a class blueprint. The difference between those are that the class blueprints are not bind to one specific level where the level blueprint is. A class blueprint can be used in many different levels. Also, i got to know different ways of making those blueprints(from the level or from the blueprint view port(place the components etc.))
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Thursday 11.02.2016:
Description of the day:
Did not do anything. I was felling sick and tired so i did not do anything that has to do with unreal engine 4.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Friday 12.02.2016:
Started: 16.35
Pauses: 1
Blueprint Essentials:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “Blueprint Essentials” at the ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-12 17:37)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-12 17:37)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-12 17:37)
Play around with the blueprints @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-12 17:37)
Come up with a simple project to train a little. Try to not do anything like in the videos that you saw before. Rather come up with something yourself. Remember try to do something different from yesterday to train a little more with the blueprints. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-12 17:37)
Stopped :17.37
Time used :1h 2min
Description of the day:
The videos were very boring. The instructor was talking very fast, there was very little explanation to what he did. I felt that i just rushed through these videos without learning anything and did everything like the instructor. I did not see the three last videos of the series because i was bored. I don’t know if i even learned something from these videos. Basically i feel like i wasted 1 hour.I feel very unmotivated to learn anything further.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Saturday 13.02.2016:
Started: Forgot to see when i begun. I think at around 10.30
Pauses: 3
UE4 Blueprint Quickshot (v4.7):
Start watching the whole series of videos named “UE4 Blueprint Quickshot (v4.7)” at the ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-13 12:26)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. Try to understand everything. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-13 14:00)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-13 14:00)
Try to come up with something(a project or simple blueprint class) just to train. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-13 14:04)
Stopped : 14.05
Time used : Around 3h 35min
Description of the day:
The videos were very interestring i felt like i learned a lot and gone through all the stuff again I felt motivated watching these videos.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Sunday 14.02.2016:
Started: 13.30
Pauses: 2
Blueprint Jump Starts:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “Blueprint Jump Starts” at the ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-14 14:49)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. Try to understand everything. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-14 14:49)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-14 14:49)
Try to come up with something(a project or simple blueprint class) just to train. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-14 14:49)
Stopped :14.50
Time used :1h 20min
Description of the day:
Went through the videos. Some were very short while others were a bit longer. Tried to follow along the instructor and managed to do that till the last video were he presented a game already made so i did not follow along. The videos were cool they showcased how one could use blueprints to script/make things/functionalities. I did not come up with anything on my own because i feel very unmotivated to do something, i fell like doing something else. Maybe its because i know that i have a test tomorrow that i have to read to.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Monday 15.02.2016:
Started: 20.10
2D Sidescroller with Blueprints:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “2D Sidescroller with Blueprints” at the Ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-15 23:47)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. Try to understand everything. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-15 23:47)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-15 23:47)
Stopped : 23.40
Time used : 3h 30min
Description of the day:
Followed along the videos. Videos were fine although in the beginning i was getting confused because of the material editor etc. I did not really know how that works at the moment of watching these videos. Later down the series i think i understood more of what was going on. Followed the instructor through the videos. Had several problems because he used an older version of the engine so i went a couple of times to the comment section on youtube under the video and found out the answer quickly. I got to know a lot of stuff about sprites, materials, animation and so on. But it was kind of weird because the instructor used a beta version so the features were not completely done(they looked different for me)I did not manage to fix the elevator at the end of the series. It did not seem to work for me no matter what i did.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Tuesday 16.02.2016:
Started: 16.25
Pauses: 1
Endless Runner with Blueprints:
Start watching the whole series of videos named “Endless Runner with Blueprints” at the Ue4 Learning resources site. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-16 18:32)
Follow along the instructor across the videos/ do the same things as shown in the videos. Try to understand everything. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-16 18:32)
Finish watching the video series. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-16 18:32)
Stopped : 18.25
Time used :2h 0min
Description of the day:
Videos were cool, understood pretty much everything. Sometimes the instructor went a bit fast and i had to stop the video or get back to a point. As usual had some minor problems with following along because of the engine version he was using during the tutorial videos. The game was fun, was based off of third person template and just expanded it with blueprint etc. The game came out to be fun and in the last video at the end, the instructor showed how he expanded the game/what the made the game to be.I was a bit bored at the beginning. Didn’t really want to watch the videos, but as i came further down the videos i was excited to continue to see where the game will go. As for the blueprints i think i understood a lot but not everything. I think i have to make something up myself to really understand blueprint and know what i can do with those. I got to know how i can make a float widget and display a score for example. Again, the videos were pretty fun and i learned some new stuff.
☐ @tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Wednesday 17.02.2016:
Started: 15.00
Attempt at making a game:
Try to make a game from scratch with the knowledge gained thorugh all the days watching these tutorial videos. @anonymous_user_e84a955f (16-02-17 20:05)
Stopped : 19.50
Time used : 4h 50min
Description of the day:
__ The original plan for today was to watch another game making tutorial from unreal. When i begun to watch, the audio quallity was’nt there and i was very unmotivated to watch that series so i did not do it. Instead i came up with the idea to start making a game from scratch. That did not go well. At first i followed a short tutorial about making the game for android and testing it on a phone + i also got to know how to build a game for android and then later test it. I managed to do that without problems. But without a game i figured it wasnt enough so i tried to begin to make the game again. Fail again. I came down to several problems and really did not want to do anything in the engine anymore. I had some promising attempts but i failed at the blueprint part. I did not know how to make my player/cube go to sides by a couple of centimeters. I am thinking about going over to learn c++ propely maybe follow my book or find a youtube series and follow that instead. If so i am not going to write further down in this document. Instead i am going to start a new document and do the same thing as here__