im working my graduation and i fear i just lost 6 months of hard work !!! i was working on my ue4 project when i got a " limited disk space" error and it crashed my ue4 project but when attempting to open it keeps on crashing on 50%
im working my graduation and i fear i just lost 6 months of hard work !!! i was working on my ue4 project when i got a " limited disk space" error and it crashed my ue4 project but when attempting to open it keeps on crashing on 50%
i tried deleting the , “saved”, “intermediate” and “content"and"build” folder.
This is happening 2 days before my final graduation hand in . (complete panic mode)
I read about moving the umap out of the autosaved folder to the content folder but i cant find the uasset file !
crashlog link text
Why you deleted the content folder ,it is the folder holding all your assets meshes and materials i guess now even if you get to open your project correctly you will find it empty i mean if you did delete the content folder ( But deleting saved folder is ok).
a solution try to copy your entire graduation project folder on external drive or thumb drive and open it with another UE4 editor possibly another version in a different environment probably your friend’s computer.
srry my bad i didnt delete the content folder , just the intermediate , saved and build folder. as for the moving it to an other pc , that didnt work for me :(, i kept on giving the same issues
resolved , I had to delete one of the uasset files of one of my assets which was corrupt