I’d like to share my thoughts regarding AIs that generate images and how such tools can be transformed so artists would actually like them instead of protesting against them.
First of all, I don’t consider AI-generated images as drawing. Artist learns perspective, light, color, form and composition and then uses the skills to create drawings on blank canvas. Brushes the artist may use to speed up the process have no artistic value of their own - they are nothing without usage in conjunction with basic drawing principals.
AI uses algorithms in conjunction with finalized artworks to generate images. This is not drawing, this is just a very advanced form of copy-pasting from works of actual artists without asking them if they agree with such practice. No wonder the artists are mad about all of this.
Dear AI developers and owners! I understand that you want to move the progress forwards and make money in the process. But there is a much better way in which you can use your neural networks and still earn a lot. You could turn your products into paid tools for the artists - tools, that improve art quality and speeds up the drawing process. Just imagine - a junior-level artist creates an artwork and then uploads it into a neural network. Then the artist selects some options and presses the “process” button. The options could be “improve anatomy”, “make clouds more detailed”, “improve ambient occlusion”, “run color correction”, “fix perspective mistakes” and so on. As a result, the junior-level artist would get a solid middle-level artwork, and middle-level artist would get a senior-level artwork. This would allow artists, who are still learning, to find high-paid jobs much faster. At the same time, skilled senior artists would do their jobs even without AI help, so they would give employers an advantage of saving money on AI usage.
Please, stop using AI as theft tool, and transform your neural networks into the tools for the artists!