my stacking mod works fine, but the angler gel burns with normal effect (not blue).
where can I set it on blue fire?
my stacking mod works fine, but the angler gel burns with normal effect (not blue).
where can I set it on blue fire?
On the torch itself -
It seems that things like this and ammo require an exact class match on the item itself so you’ll need to remap the torch
Thank you P0k3r
It does not work…
What exactly do to remap?
Create copies of the Engram, PrimalItemStructure, and TorchBP (the physical item). In PrimalGameData, use Remap Engrams and Remap Items. Make sure your engram points to the PrimalItem, and the PrimalItem "build"s the TorchBP, and the TorchBP "consume"s the PrimalItem. Also add TorchBP to Additional Structures to Place in PrimalGameData.
Hello Huston850,
It works, now I have a new standing torch in the engram list. Both torch use the stacking angler gel
I prefer a solution without a second torch, is that possible?
Thank you.
If you remap the old one to use your new one in the primalgamedata then you won’t have 2
Remove Additional Engram Blueprint Classes. What you’re doing is taking the engram at low level (whenever the torch is unlocked) and when you unlock it, it crafts your modded torch instead of the normal one.
okay, I try it…
thank you
Temporarily change the PrimalItemStructure description and then when you test it, give yourself enough exp for level 5. Unlock the basic one and check the description to ensure that the engram was remapped to yours.
Hello P0k3r and Huston850,
It works now, many thanks for the help