My simulate doesnt work when i want simulat bp floor tile

Hi every one I do every thing in my project like endless runner tutorial…but I can’t simulate it…nothing happen when I press simulate in viewport…
I use unreal engine 4.10…
But in tutorial when master press simulate…the project stert to running and spawning…but nothing happen to my project…thank for your helping
My question return to spawning in second video of endless runner tutorial…

Hello i had the same problem
the solution is to

  1. check the variables you created are NOT Local variables
  2. check the position of the floor and the arrow
  3. THIS WAS MY PROBLEM the project setting check this document

i changes game mode > default game mode > RUNgamemode which i added blue print function to

Can you change a variable to not be local if already created? if so, how?

i delete them then create a new variable :slight_smile:

Thank you a7rar
I had same problem and changing game mode fixed it.