My Scary Ocean Rig Envoirnment

My product on fab has been making the rounds lately, well at least by my standards. and I wanted to share it a bit more on here and get some opinions on optimization and requests for future environments.

Here is the link to the environment, which may go on sale in the
Fab April Spring Sale 2025

here the product info

A Modular Built Rusted Purgatory Prison Oil Rig Concept game level with multiple lighting scenarios created for the Unreal Engine.

This project includes a set of modular meshes and simple blueprint setups to create a multi-story (including roof) Oil Rig but with a twist in that this is a super rusted-over isolated ancient limbo Rig structure.

All assets, and materials created in Blender and in Unreal Engine. It is fully game-ready and playable with a simple first-person character to walk around the entire interior of the rig with clean collision.

The level utilizes a custom blueprint I made to quickly set up as many meshes as desired with simple spacing and number settings within the level in real time.

and images !

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Good stuff! I like that last pic…In Space. I can see a lil’ Machete running around…

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omg yes! I imagined it could be used for a fun arena shooter level.