My saved twinmotion files will not open. I have saved the file as twinmotion tm, but when I open it I get the new project homepage. It will not open my progress and instead starts a new file. P...

My saved twinmotion files will not open. I have saved the file as twinmotion tm, but when I open it I get the new project homepage. It will not open my progress and instead starts a new file. Please help I’ve lost all my work and don’t know how to save

Hello ,

Could you please submit a bug report here and share a copy of your Twinmotion file so our support team can investigate this? With the file, we can figure out what might be going wrong.



Hello Epic Games Team,

I have the same problem. Please help.


Davorka (10.9 MB)

Hi ,

I checked the file you attached and was able to load it without any issues.

When opening it in Twinmotion 2023.1 Preview 1, if you see the Home screen, you can close this by clicking the X icon on the top-right to go directly to your project.

If that does not help, a video or screenshot of the issue as it occurs would be helpful.



Hi Raghib K.,

Thanks a lot for your answer! It is great to know that a person is not left alone with the problems that occur when using Twinmotion.

I have to finish rendering several projects, so after “loosing” my file, I went back to Twinmotion 2021. I might try Twinmotion 23 during the weekend, though.

Could you please tell me:

Does Twinmotion 2023 support ArchiCAD 25 as well? - I have read that the Direct Datasmith Link works for ArchiCAD 26 now.

If a file has been created in Twinmotion 2021, is it possible to open it in Twinmotion 2023?



Am Di., 7. Feb. 2023 um 18:32 Uhr schrieb Twinmotion <>:

Hi Davorka,

Yes. Archicad 25 models can be imported into Twinmotion 2023. You can use the latest 5.0.3v2 plugin on the Twinmotion Datasmith Exporter plugin for Archicad page for this.

It also is possible to convert Twinmotion 2021 project files to 2023.1. When you open the file in the newer version, it will ask you to convert the file, which will let you use it in 2023.1.

