My right-click menu is different from other people's menu

Right-click in the Level Blueprint,
The popup menu is different from the right-click menu of other netizens,
Enter reference and do not see the Create a Reference to xxxx option,
My purpose is to access variables in other blueprint classes,
Unexpectedly, I got stuck in the first step,
Unreal5.1 and Unreal4 have been tested, but they still can’t be found,
Maybe my English level is too poor,
I hope experts can give me some advice,

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What you get when you right click in the level BP, depends on what you have selected in the map.

右上角的Context Sensitive,这个勾的作用是根据你从不同引脚拉出会有不同的展示,就是智能推荐情境关联。你应该是没有从正确的地方触发这个弹出菜单。如果你想看到所有选项,就把那个勾去掉(不推荐)。

thank you very much :100:

thank you very much indeed :kissing_closed_eyes: