My render doesn't match with sequencer preview

Hi there,

I hope you can help me because I’m about to meltdown…
My rendering is not matching with my sequencer preview. I’ve imported FBX sequence from Maya and I think I didn’t check a box somewhere.

There is my first frame in the sequencer :

And there is my first frame at render :

During the next 3 frames, my asset just leave far away and I don’t know why… I’ve checked “Force Root Lock” but nothing changed. Please help :sob:

Thanks :smiling_face_with_tear:

When rendering the sequence, MRQ will “play” the game. You can try to debug unexpected behavior by playing the game yourself in the viewport. If some Blueprints or another Level Sequence is modifying the scene, that will show up.

You can also post a screenshot of your Sequence so we can see if there’s anything funky there.

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Hello Stephen, thanks for reply.

I’ve solved the issue. I’ve imported my FBX animation as a physic asset and the “simulate physic” option was checked by default, so the object just falled into the table. The preview don’t calculate this apparently.

Thanks :slight_smile: