since I changed to 4.20, UE stores everything in the Ram and removes this data but not anymore and when my RAM is full, it stores all the excess data on my main SSD but I can not find it
why does UE do that?
how can i fix it?
where can i find this data on my SSD?
Thanks in advance
all computers store things on the hard drive when the ram is full, its meant to happen. your basically asking your system to store 6GB of data on 4GB of ram, what would happen without this system is that your computer would just crash because it couldnt retrieve all the information it needs. the best solution to the issue is to buy more ram. if your developing games then you need as much ram as you can get. as for where this data is stored well i doubt you will be able to find it and you shouldnt need to, once the computer no longer needs the data it should be deleted automatically. also note that retrieving this kind of memory data is much slower than if it were being stored in the ram.
so the summary here is its not a problem to worry about too much, but you really need to update your computer.
thanks for your answer but it has 120 GB on the hard disk already saved 2 weeks ago and if I make a material on a landscape, for example, UE4 uses 95% of the RAM and it will not be less if it has finished rendering and that is The biggest problem because I have only 10-30 FPS
how much ram do you have? i figured you were talking about system ram and not video memory, which one are you talking about?
it will not be less if it has finished rendering
no kidding, everything in the scene your working on will remain in the system memory. any programs you have running take memory too even background processes. also ram would never need to take up 120 GB. i personally have 32GB of ram in my system and have never had an issue.
This is not UE4 doing, it is OS responsible for memory allocation, for application this happens seemlessly and usally (or else aplication asks) is not aware where memory is allocated.
OS use virtual memory (aka virtual memory) to store less used section of memory to give more space on faster hardware memory for more active memory space or if hardware memory running out to prevent system crash (since when whole RAM space runs out, most applications wont not able to allocate more memory and will crash). There can be other reasons, point is to properly optimize hardware memory usage and prevent memory to fill up in same time. And agian this is OS feature
Widows is know to use virtual memory all the time even if RAM is not running out, it tries to give best performance ahead, sometimes doing missed decisitions. By default use extable swap file (virtual meory) on drive C, file won’t shrink right away when memory will be free that is to prevent feather slow downs for reestablishing file all the time. Windows provide you option to set up virtual memory storage strategy your way, you can set it up in :
Control Panel->System->Advance System Settings->“Advance” Tab-> “Performance” Settings->“Advance” Tab->Virtual Memory->Change
There also lot of hidden settings in the system registry as well as system management. Ofcorse all this won’t replace need to get more RAM 8GB is absolute minimum and 16GB should give you work without issue, getting more ram will reduce use of virtual memory.
Also other option, Linux ;p Linux first of all use swap partition for virtual memory and only using it when it really runs out of memory
Asside of that UE4 puts some cache files in C drive, for that search thru /Users/YourUsername/AppData, I really recommend you to get Total Commander and use Shift+Alt+Enter feature to track down disk space hoggers