My Ragdoll is not looking good

I have a ragdoll that is clipping into the ground and I’m not sure what’s going on.

The animation nodes I have there just in case the animation BP is still trying to play. I’m not sure how to stop updating anim in the anim BP so I put it in the character BP.

I resolved this. It was the rifle shot impulse on death interfering.

I think you are yet aboter Epic victim.

Your anim BP code is always supposed to be empty. Its against best practice to use the animation blueprint for anything code related - it prevents fastpath from being accessible.

As far as “stopping” animations and preventing bugs.

State machine called death.
From any state in the state machine, transition to the dead state machine upon flipping a “isDead” Bool.

Make sure the dead state machine uses the pose snapshot or a single frame looping animation thats’s appropriate.

Consider replacing what you got with pjysical animation and ragdoll profiles.
Much less error prone.

Probably also use interfaces instead.
Add a “does implement interface” for death check to the weapon hit, so that you can issue interface messages to dead actors and have different effects as needed.

Also, yea chaos is horrible at everything, but i really dont see how it manages to screw up collisions so badly unless your ragdoll animation is somehow not sunked with the skeleton or similar.
Id try a slomo + filming + anim-debug to check skeleton positions.
Possibly also toggling the hidden collision views of physics on to see exactly what each kinematic or simulated body is up to…

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