I am in the process of setting up a Quantized audio system in C++ using Unreal Engine 5.4.2 and its QuartzClock system.
I ran into several issues w/ the C++ implementation, but I’ve mostly ironed out all my issues now.
However, I seem to have one final problem where my Subscribed Quantized Events stop triggering after a long enough runtime. If I try to breakpoint when the events stop triggering, my clock’s name changes to NONE or some broken id (NOTE: I am unable to use TObjectPtr since I need to pass a normal pointer to the Quantized functions)
QuartzClock before
QuartzClock after (2nd image is after a few more ticks, for some reason the name seems to suggest duplication?)
I don’t think I’m doing anything incorrect in terms of initialisation.
I am doing a few ResetTransportQuantized calls, but I don’t see how that’d break anything. The events stopping seem random and more related to overall Clock lifespan than any particular function I call.
I realise I can use this in BP w/ a lot more support, but this is a deliberate choice due to how I handle my game state. Don’t recommend me to swap please, it’s not helpful advice.