Are you able to create new projects or load other projects?
Hi, my project was fine yesterday, but today when I tried to open it, the launcher would stall at 71%.
I tried deleting the Saved, Intermediate and Binaries folders, even the Config, but it still does the same thing.
I tried to Verify my Unreal Editor’s version but it got stuck at 98%, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled. Still does the same thing.
I tried reverting my repo but it seems to do the same thing anyhow, so the problem must be in my launcher.
I don’t know what else to do and need help absolutely as I am supposed to package this project tomorrow!!
Anyone has had this issue and knows a way of making it work again?
Note That I tried opening a backup of it and it does the same.
When the freezing occurs, The Editor takes 0% CPU.
Seems weird. Maybe try making a new template project to see if that loads OK.
And there should be a log of what it got done before the freeze, maybe there’s relevant info in there.
Ultimately, you could build it in “Debug Editor” (github engine only) and when it gets stuck you can break execution to see where it’s getting stuck in a loop (or locking the main thread). If you try this and get results but can’t interpret them, post what you find. Maybe we can help you figure it out.
If you are able to create new projects that don’t have the issue, you could try migrating all the assets into a new project failing the above methods.
That is what I did. I managed to get an older git to work and copied and pasted what I could from a backup on a second hard drive.
Thanks for the advice. Actually it was my BP_Character that made it freeze. I did not manage to get a log of what happened because it was not completely crashing (or maybe I just don’t know how to get it without a hard crash), but by downloading an older git and copy pasting what I could from a backup, I managed to get most of what I had lost. Only took me 2 days to get everything back instead of two months!
Just in time! Congrats and good luck in the future.
Would you happen to have a link to the github engine? When I try to get it from the launcher it only opens the github main page and i can’t find it.
You need more than a link but you can find it and everything else you need here.
Make a copy of your project (don’t include intermediate directories), right-click on the uproject file and select “Switch Unreal Engine version…”. Pick the version of the github engine and it will regenerate project files. Try building that in VS.
I could not build it in debug editor because my .sln file makes the github editor crash in visual studio (not responding), it also seems to stop at around 71%. I tried loading it in visual studio 2017 and building it from there, the error it gives me is: unable to compile. Try building from source manually.
I also get a comment on the .dll file that seems to be the wrong one. It does that when I build it in visual studio and also when I try to package the project.
Sounds like you have a blueprint circular dependency, which is super fun because UE4 doesn’t tell you that its a thing until its too late to know why or where.
We’ve had this countless times where the editor seems to get stuck at either 71 or 72% while loading, only way to fix is to revert work you’ve done recently until it loads again. Thats if you’re using source control anyway, if not and this is the issue then your next best option is to just delete assets until it works to find the offending asset and remake it.
Oh!! This i.e. or for sure ne cause or I delete my BP_Character it opens, my last update was health, stamina and weapon heat regen, so I’ll simply delete them one by one to see which one is the problem and find a way to script it differently. Thanks for the help!!