my project lagging

hello i’m new to unreal engine 5
my project suddenly started to lag. It’s horrible to navigate in the viewport and when i start to play there is an horrible delay when i move the camera (it function well when the character move forward but when i turn the camera around the character there is a delay)
This problem occured when i enabled nanite on some objects, so i removed the nanite but the project doesn’t want to stop lagging
I already lowered the quality on ‘medium’ in the world settings and changed the parameters on global illumination in the project settings, it doesn’t change anything…

Can someone help me ?

Hi Carla,

While playing in-editor you can press CTRL + SHIFT + Comma to profile the GPU. (Seeing which ‘Bubble’ is biggest can help find what is taking up performance)

Check for movable and/or shadow casting lights, I think that’s a common perf problem.

Also you can use the ‘Show’ menu/commands to turn off certain features in an attempt to see what is affecting performance.

I’d also recommend turning on Edit → Editor Preferences → ‘Show Frame Rate and Memory’ to get a better idea of what your realtime-perf is.

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