Each time I open a project, it crashes my computer, I’m starting to feel like its the project itself, but I don’t know how to fix it. Heres the crash report(s).Crash Report. I don’t know if this is the right thing, but please help.
I’m able to create new projects or open other ones, but this project won’t open without crashing my computer. And yes I tried to copy and paste content folders into other projects, I’m starting to think thats what the issue is. but I don’t know whats wrong with the folder that causes the computer to crash
Hi. As i see its its
Verify/reinstall/update app and update/verify/reinstall your graphics driver.
You can clean up your project with source control or copy/paste yorur content folder to new project.
I tried the copy and paste thing to a new project, but the thing is, that also crashed my pc
crash log
I tried using the project on another computer but it either gets stuck at 81% or just crashes in general. Verifying unreal takes way too long. Then afterwards i get another crashlog When i moved content to another project
I also finished verifying, and it doesn’t help with the issue.
We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.
I never actually get any sort of response from this link. I would still greatly appreciate any help that can be offered to solve my problem.
I just thought I’d add that I’m experiencing this problem in January 2021 as well.
I open a UE4 4.25 project that I haven’t worked on in over a month (It previously worked just fine). The project opens fine, and in some cases I’ve walked away from the computer and left it sitting for 10 minutes- when I return the project is open and appears fine.
As soon as I click in the application a single time unreal stops responding. After about a minute, the rest of my computer locks up as well and I start hearing error beeps associated with every mouse click I’ve made. I am then forced to power down and restart.
Things I’ve tried (All of which have resulted in the same crash described above):
- Clone the project, open the clone
- Uninstall the engine (4.25), reinstall
- Open the project in 4.26
- Copy the content folder and paste it inside a new, blank project
My graphics drivers are up to date, though I should note I updated them since I last opened this project a month ago. I’m skeptical that this is the cause of the problem though, as I can open older projects or create new ones and everything runs fine.
Unless someone can think of more things to try, it looks like I’ll be re-assembling my project from scratch, which is unfortunate.
I’m having the exact problem you describe in 4.26.0 with any project I create. I’m part of a visual production challenge and I’ve done everything a google search suggests, uninstall and reinstall and change registry, etc. I can’t get past clicking on anything outside the viewer window.
Having what sounds like the same problem.
My PC works fine, graphics card is up to date, week ago everything worked, at least mostly, just fine with UE. Have tried using 4.25 and 4.26. Have done the same thing you @hypersapien did (the list of things). But no, UE sometimes works for few minutes and then crashes and takes down my computer while doing that. I have not found any help or solutions to this. I did even remove my EVERY project and tried starting a new one but the same problem occurs. This is driving me insane.
If anyone finds a solution to this, please, share it.
EDIT: And no, it’s not a problem with RAM or something like that (have 16 gb of RAM and like I said, week ago everything was fine). And no, it’s not a problem with 4.26, it occured with 4.25 also.
I have same kind of problem. A week ago everything was working and running, at least mostly, just fine. Now when Im trying to use UE4 (tested with 4.25 and 4.26) the projects crash and it freezes also my computer completely thus having to make power down and restart. I’ve been going through Google about this and worked with my project friends with this but no; nothing seems to help.
My PC is fine, graphics card is up to date. Tried also what @hypersapien did (the list of things). But no. Anyone, any ideas? Is this a common problem now?
This thread might about the same issue (author suspects its due to latest Nvidia driver) https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/1006103/view.html
@MrRum_ , I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the auto-import feature. Have you set up your project to watch certain folders and automatically import/reimport content?
Not in my case. All I am able to do is create a project and open it. As soon as I click any single thing it crashes my PC. Everything is at defaults.
Hey, rolling back my Nvidia driver to the early Dec '20 update did it for me.
This worked for me, Qapla’!
I have everything right now at default just like @Connail.
As for the January 2021 recurrence of this issue, I was able to fix it by rolling back my Nvidia graphics driver.
Sorry it took me long to answer. It worked for me also! Though I had no Roll Back option.
What I did thanks to you guys (<3) was:
I downloaded the older version of my 1660 ti driver from Nvidia’s website and removed old drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller. Anyone reading this and having same problem: Run Display Driver Uninstaller in SAFE MODE if you are using it for the first time like me. It took a minute or two from RDD to do it’s job but after it was finished and the computer rebooted I installed the driver I had just downloaded and BOOM: Unreal Engine works like charm once again.
Thanks so much for the community here for the help!
i had this after not doing anything special next day could not for the life of me open the project so couldn’t delete any dodgy files found out there is some files in the cache that can get deleted without losing anything look on youtube cant remember which i did now just means a re-build of shaders and lighting nothing bad no loss of any work was back up and running after FREEKING out for the morning