I have been working on a project in UE 4.17.2 and today downloaded UE 4.20.1
When I launch 4.20 I open my project and ‘open a copy’
Below is the first error message I receive:
Failed to import ‘C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.20/FeaturePacks/StarterContent.upack’. Failed to create asset ‘/Game/StarterContent’.
Please see Output Log for details.
It still launches but when I select to open my level I am met with another error code which crashes UE
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To anyone who comes across this question with a similar issue, the issue was in my hard drive.
When opening a new copy UE created a new project, but didnt have the memory to create the new project on my harddrive.
Maybe something for the future could indicate that it was a file size issue, instead it seems it crashes on the file name it was last trying to import before running out of memory.