My project crashes on startup. Any ideas? How do I fix this

I haven’t done anything special with this. Haven’t written my own c++ code or anything. I was just making some simple widgets and now I’m getting this error when i try to start my project. I can open other projects and I verified my engine. I have no idea how to go about fixing this or where to look for an answer. Especially since I can’t even open my project anymore :confused:

Your widget is searching for a Struct blueprint you’ve created and added to the widget graph, linked to something.
You’ve deleted that struct or it can’t be found, somehow it’s still linked to the widget and it is crashing the editor on load…

Delete the “Intermediate” folder in your project’s folder and see if that helps to open the editor;
If that can’t fixed it, you’ll have to delete the .uasset of your widget, which means you have to remake it or restore from a backup.