My plugin "TransparentWindows" has been in a 'Pending Approval' status for a month and a half, which is not normal.

My plugin “TransparentWindows” has been in a ‘Pending Approval’ status for a month and a half, which is not normal.Is there any staff available who can help me explain this?

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you got a customer. I am really curious about how did you managed to make masked windows ? Is this a fully native window or did you used SWindow ? Anyway, probably I will buy it.

I have a plugin which based on SWindow and it supports general transparency. I talked about this with another developer couple months ago and he said his solution supported only Vulkan RHI.

It is fully native window,and supported DX11 and DX12

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not SWindow ? Does it support UMG widgets as contents or should I use a PNG file ?

No SWindow, supports UMG, supports gradually transparent display.

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