My new unreal engine 4 game and portfolio (WIP)

hey, those are some screenshot for some modular asian like assets i made and textured for my current game and also some vegetation and terrain material please share what you think of this and criticise

and there is an old unreal 4 project i abandonned and some of my other works

i’ll be updating this post when new stuff are done







Nice work :slight_smile: Lots of room to improve upon the vegetation in regards to the tree branches/leaves and grass but it’s a good start.

thanks for comment, and you’re right i just corrected the grass still the tree must be improved

Hi sangloo, this is great work. Your second screenshot - the pillow with embroidery and mud stains is my favorite, it’s just soooo detailed! Just wondering - did you create the textures in Photoshop by hand or use something like Substance or Quixel?

The tree stump is also very well done, although I second Icaraeus that the vegetation could be improved. I’m no expert on lighting but I suspect your indirect lighting is not showing through inside the dense forest.

hi vsz, thanks for comment and actually i did create the material directly in unreal engine 4 it’s one master materiel used for all and everything you see, and i use alphas with different colors to create different variation

Update: working on some horses and horse skin texture (wip) (there is no eye shader fo the moment)








What software do you use to make all these models? They look really good.

thanks icaraeus i’m using maya and zbrush


i derectly and only create low poly models and using the materiel editor i texture everything, in all it’s one master materiel

thanks franktech, sure i’m going to d some videos once it’s all in place and there is some update screenshots on the horse shader and some buildins i start making:///images/images/000/488/569/large/alami-khalil-highresscreenshot00008.jpg?1424531116







thanks for your kind words franktech