My new UE4 archviz

Hello! I made my first UE4 archviz - it took me four months while I was learning everything in Unreal! And also three months for modelling, sculpting, texturing… The longest work in my life! So please comment - it’s very important for me!
Thank you)

Simple Matinee video and virtual tour:

Very nice i like it. i’m learning too and i’m impressed. Especially with the reflections in your scene(tv or mirror), can you explain how you did this? thx

Hi Redega, I really like your project, some part looks more realistic while other less (in general the darker part of the scene looks less realistic). I think that some material (couches, bedroom chair, pouff, kitchen sink) looks amazing.
Two questions: how did you reached a so reflective effect in the bathroom mirror? (I’m not able to reflect such in a good way); and what about the frosted glass of the bathroom, can you share some settings?


Thank you guys … mirrors are only Scene Capture Cube materials. Glass - two sided (with 2 different uv scales like 70 and 71) and this nm

Thanks for the informations Redega…but I don’t understand qhat you mean with “2 different uv scales”, one UV is for the diffuse and the other is for the LightMap, they shouldn’t have effect on the blurriness of the material, isn’t it?

(two sided material)

Thanks again Radega :slight_smile:


Very nice work Redega. I’m working on a similar, kind of dark interior scene.