My most satisfying Chinese style work is finally finished!

Taking the famous Chinese painting - 「Thousand Miles River and Mountain」 as the inspiration for the design.

:nerd_face:One word to describe how you feel after watching this video.

I made the costume in Style3D Atelier.
And fabric simulation in Style3D Simulitor.

You can download the software through the official website:
Style3D Atelier
Style3D Simulator


Hi there @Style3D_CG_official,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

Had to pop in just to say that my one word would be bewildered (in the best way!) The fabric movement alongside the dance animation is genuinely stunning. I had to re-watch the video multiple times just to experience the dance all over again. Beautifully done and thanks so much for sharing your art with us here on the forums. What inspired this project and how long did it take you to create?

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Hi PresumptivePanda,

Thank you for noticing my work. This is a collaborative project between me and a Chinese artist, "Cyber Tailor.”

He is responsible for the creative concept and execution, while I handle the development of the simulation software.

This short film utilizes two software developed by our team: Style3D Atelier & Style3D Simulator.

The clothing model for the video was created in Style3D Atelier, and the fabric simulation was achieved using the Style3D Simulator plugin in Unreal Engine. You can download them through the links provided in my post.

The entire video incorporates many Chinese elements. For example, the design of the costume is inspired by the clothing system of the Ming Dynasty in China, featuring pipa sleeves, a standing collar, and front-facing buttons. The patterns on the clothing are drawn from traditional Chinese landscape paintings. The scene includes Chinese-style openwork auspicious clouds and a screen background with bamboo textures.

As for the model, we didn’t give her a specific identity. A transparent model creates a sense of unreality, but the digital fabric we created provides a realistic feel. This collision of sensations creates an interesting effect. :laughing:

Thanks again for your response. I’m happy to share these!

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I hope we get to see more projects like this from you in the future. Can’t say I’ve seen anything like it :smiley:

Thanks a ton for taking the time to reply back to me :slight_smile:

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Hi! Wow, that’s really impressive… Thank you for sharing!

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